Our Services

Front Porch - Early Memory Loss

The Front Porch program is a non-medical, early memory loss (early onset Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment) program at the Modern Maturity Center designed for individuals age 60+ who qualify. A first of its kind in Delaware, we focus on maintaining and enhancing memory and cognitive functioning. 
The Front Porch is open Mondays through Fridays from 10 to 2. The cost is $32 per day which includes lunch, transportation, and activity materials. Members engage in a wide range of activities including games, trivia, arts and crafts, current events, education, chair exercise, field trips, gardening, cooking and more! 
All individuals must qualify to join the program. Call to learn more information. 
Contact: Faith Hahn
Phone: (302) 734-1200 ext. 173



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