Our Services

Adult Day Services

Day Break is a structured and supervised program for functionally impaired persons, age 60 years or older. Founded in 1982, we strive to provide an enriching daytime program for older adults who need special care, while offering respite for their caregivers.

Contact Nina O'Bryan– Director
302-734-1200 x155


Day Break Goals Are:

  1. To avoid or forestall institutional placement;
  2. To support social, mental, and physical levels of functioning;
  3. To enhance the daily quality of life and;
  4. To provide respite for family caregivers.

How to Apply:

Those interested in Day Break services may call (302) 734-1200 ext. 155 for more information or to schedule an appointment. The prospective client will be interviewed at Day Break to determine eligibility. A medical history and examination by the primary care physician is required. The application process may require more than one visit to Day Break.

Day Break Services:

·  Medical Supervision - a full time RN/LPN is available to give medications, monitor vital signs and provide basic nursing services as needed.

·  Personal Care Assistance - Certified Nursing Assistants provide supervision and assistance with activities of daily living (ADL)

·  Nutritious Meals - light breakfast, hot lunch and snacks are provided daily in program's private dining room.

·  Social and Recreation Programs - a planned schedule of group and individual activities is available every day. These include exercise, music, games, crafts, outings and social events.

·  Transportation - door-to-door transportation is arranged either through the Modern Maturity Center transportation programs or DART Paratransit.


Day Break is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Make the Connection

Make the Connection connects Veterans, their families and friends, and other supporters to mental health information, a tool for finding local mental health resources, and videos of Veterans sharing their inspiring stories of recovery. The site is free to use and accessible to everyone.
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